OCT 31
Faculty Meeting- S.Sc.
OCT 30
A Regional Round Square Conference on the environment was organized by H I M Academy Public School, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, from October 29th-30th 2018, for students aged 13 to 15 years.
The theme of the conference was "co-existence" which echoes the urgent call for conserving the diversity of life on Earth. The aims of the conference was to bring different ideologies under one roof and provide them with opportunities to exchange ideas face to face and establish relationships.
The presence of eminent dignitaries from different spheres helped the students to get a better understanding of the pillars of the Round Square. The eminent keynote speakers at the conference were: Mr Ashok Sharma, a reputed environmentalist from Himachal Pradesh, and Lieutenant Commander Pratibha Jamwel , a crew member of Navika Sagar Parikrama, an expedition where a team of women officers of the Indian Navy circumnavigated the globe. Mrs. Shikha Shah, an ex- IITian and the founder of Scrapshala, a company that is protecting the environment by creating decorative products from waste and discarded materials, was also present.
The main attraction of this Round Square conference was the interactive session with His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet at his residence, which is his home in exile in India. The students were privileged to ask His Holiness many questions relating to the conference topic "co-existence".
On one of the days of the conference, Dham, the traditional food of Himachal Pradesh, was served. The entire meal was Satvik which means even onion, ginger and garlic was not used in its preparation. The thick and rich gravy, cooked with 20 aromatic spices was served over steamed rice on plates made of dried leaves from the Sal and Banyan trees. The meal was enjoyed in the traditional manner with people sitting on the floor in rows while they ate with their fingers.
OCT 30
House Meeting
OCT 29
Inter-House Classical Duet(Open)
Incharge – Ms. P. Banerjee
OCT 29
Needle work is a way to develop the interest for the traditional Indian embroidery in our students. Inter house needle work is an activity that includes team of six students supervised by event in charge, house teacher and house mistress. This event was started on 7th July. A presentation was given to all the concerned regarding the articles, particular embroidery they need to follow for that article and the patterns. They were also given the required materials and instructions regarding the time limit. All the houses submitted their articles by 17th September. The articles were finished with the appropriate laces and piping and displayed on 29th October.
Following articles were prepared by all houses.
1. Cushions (black casement cloth with jute threads, yarn embroidery or braid work) – 2 no., 2. Dupatta (With phulkari) - 1 no., 3. Table mats (Fine jute fabric with katha embroidary) – 6 no.
The judgment was carried out on the basis of following points.
• Neatness and finishing,• Adequacy and number of stitches, • Colour combination, • Design, • Overall presentation.
The results were as follows: 1. Ist position was secured by Usha House, 2. IInd position by Madhavi House., 3. IIIrd position by Yashodhara House

OCT 28
National Hindi Olympiad was held on 24.8.18 and the Award ceremony was held on 28 October at N.D.M.C Convention Centre New Delhi. The Cheif Guests at ceremony were professor B.P. Khandelwal (Ex chairman of C.B.S.E). and renowned poet Padamshree Surendra Sharma.
110 teachers from across the country were given recognition for self composed poems and 197 students were awarded for their performance.
Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya got recognition at National level as Aditi Pathardikar of class X A was awarded II nd position in ' National Hindi Olympiad 2018'.The award carried cash prize of Rs 1100 along with a certificate and a Trophy.
Mrs Indu Chaturvedi ,H.O.D.Indian Languages was awarded the 'Rachnatmak Sikshak Pratibha Samman 2018' for her self composed poem, 'Hind ke Jawan'.
The award winning entries have compiled into a book titled,'Kavya evam Kahani Sangrah' 2018.

OCT 27
Sahodaya Inter school collage Making Competition was organized in Aryan School Of Sanskar, Gwalior (M.P) on 27th Oct 2018. Vanisha Vyas from grade 10 and Swarna Seth from grade 9 participated in this event. The participants were given 1.5 Hour to complete the collage. The SKV team was escorted by Ms Pavitra Tomar.

OCT 27
Meeting with Principal-Academic and Administrative Staff
Incharge- Ms. S.Choudhary
OCT 27
Meeting with HM & HMs
OCT 25
Principal Meeting with HM & HMs
OCT 25
Inter House dress designing competition was held on 25/10/18. The participants were informed regarding the kind of discarded clothes, time duration, usage of accessories and judgment criteria beforehand. They practiced during this duration. On the main day, they were given discarded clothes and other tailoring materials. Participants prepared the dress in four hours. One model also was selected from each house who displayed the dress before the judges.
The judgment criteria were as follows: • Design, • Creativity, • Colour combination, • Neatness, • Overall impact.
The house wise results were as follows:
1. Ist position was shared by Madhavi house, 2. IInd position by Yashodhara house and Vasundhara house, 3. IIIrd position by Usha house.

OCT 24
Faculty Meeting- Science
In charge- Madhavi House
OCT 23
A wellness talk and motivational speech by Tanuja Sodhi was organised in school by Nidhi Chaturvedi on 23rd Oct 2018. Tanuja is an alumnus of SKV and was the first woman to have commissioned into the Indian Navy in 1992. She is currently a fitness consultant. Tanuja motivated the students to join the Armed forces and talked about the procedure and requisites of this career. She conducted two sessions for students and for the entire staff. She enriched the audience on the importance of good diet , gave fitness tips and some easy ways of keeping mentally and physically fit . She emphasised that age is no hurdle to fitness exercises and one can achieve any target with determination and persevarance.
OCT 21
12 girls of our school Participated in the IPSC Volleyball Tournament held at BRCM Public school, Bahal from 19th to 21st October 2018. The team was escorted by Mrs.Rajeshwari Pandi as Team Manager and Mr. Dhananjay Singh as a Team Coach. Our school team reached in the final and played against MNSS Rai and bagged the Runners up Trophy in U-19 category.
Name of participants are as follows –
Antara Singh, Lhakmith Sherpa , Saraswati Gurung , Revika Rai , Bimala Subba , Renuka Sharma , Ritobina Dey , Rinchen Ongmu Bhutia , Riddhi Agrawal , Jhanvi Saraswat , Yashika Patni, Smriti Singh.
OCT 19
OCT 16
Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya conducted an accountancy workshop on 16th of october 2018.
The resource persons were Dr. H. S. Grewal and Mr. R. K. Khosla. The resource persons are the eminent writers of various Accountancy books at all levels.
The workshop started at 10.40 am with few ice breaking games.
First session of 1 hr was for class XII. And the next for class XI. Students were guided with how to attempt the questions according to the marks. The key points of each and every chapter was discussed. There was also a question answer session in which the students were motivated by receiving pens and books as gifts by the resource persons.
Session ended with vote of thanks given by Ananya Gupta of class XII. It was a great learning for the students as well as teachers.

OCT 15
Hindi literary quiz was held on 15 October, 2018.The highlights of the quiz were - hindi literature , grammer and identifying the work of famous hindi poets. In this, 2 participants of each house represented their respective houses with great enthusiasm. There were total 5 rounds. The first and the second round consisted of litrature where as, in the third round the participants were supposed to identify the famous hindi poets by listening to an audio. In the 4th round they were asked to identify the Vachya. Last but not the least, the 5th round consisted of identifying the hindi ras by listening to songs. And the results were as follows : 1. Usha house- 1st, 2. Yashodhara house- 2nd, 3. Vasundhara house- 3rd

OCT 15
Inter Class movie making competition (Open )
In-Charge M.Inamdar
OCT 14
On 14th October a team of 20 students with four escort teachers departed for VDJS Hisar, to participate in IPSC MUSIC FEST 2017-18. The students participated in all the scheduled compititions. All the events were as follows :-
i) Classical solo vocal ii) Classical Instrumental solo iii)light music solo iv) WesterN solo vocal v) Western group song vi) western instrumental solo vii) Light music group song viii) Orchestra.
The result of our school is as follows :-
Western solo vocal= II Prize, Western Group song = II Prize, Classical vocal solo = III Prize
OCT 13
House Tutor Meeting
OCT 12
Inter House Cricket was held from 11th to 12th October 2018. 14 girls from each house participated in the tournament. They performed well and were appreciated. Results are as follows- Position –I Usha House, II Position Madhavi House, III Position Yashodhara House, and IV Position Vasundhara House.
OCT 12
On 12 th October 2018, the staff and students of Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya paid homage to H.H.Rajmata Vijaya Raje Scindia on her 99th birth anniversary. This day was celebrated as Service and Spirituality day. To commemorate the day, shradhanjali was given in the kamla Bhavan foyer in the morning,a lamp was lit and floral offerings were made. The ceremony was attended by the Vice Principal, Bursar, Security Officer, Events Coordinator, Staff and the Student Council. Prasad was distributed to all.
To mark the occasion, Shramdan was done by class 6 A&B under the guidance of Ms. Meenakshi Dixit. Sankalp service project and serving of meals in the mess was undertaken by student council. A field trip to Vivekananda Needam for classes 7 th and 8 th was organised by Ms. Adarsh sharma. Diya painting activity was scheduled during the silent occupation in respective houses under the supervision of TOD's and House mothers.
The evening shrdhanjali Sabha in the MJS hall commenced with garlanding and lamp lightning by Vice Principal Mrs. Naina Dhillon and Guest Mr. S K Dixit .A lecture on mindfulness was delivered by eminent guest Mr. S K Dixit (Retd.DFO).Presently, he is working as visiting faculty in Jiwaji University. A group of students presented two bhajans,SURAJ KI GARMI SE JALTE HUEY TAN KO MIL JAYE TARUVAR KI CHHAYA… followed by TU HI MATA TU HI PITA HAI… Mr. OPBhargava ,Mr. Ravi Shankar and Ms. Ranjana Pathak made the evening memorable.

OCT 12
On 12th October 2018 , to celebrate the birth anniversary of our Rajmata , the students of grade 7 and 8 went on a field visit to Vivekanand Needam to experience yogic knowledge.
During the visit, we enhanced our knowledge of yoga through an enthusiastic session of Suryanamaskar and some asans like tadasan , sarvangasan , bhujangasan etc. We also learnt different types of Pranayam like bhastrika and anolom vilom.
After relaxing for a while, we were eager to commence our tour of the ashram's campus. Firstly, we saw the beauty of kuccha houses and got to know how these humble dwellings stay cool in the heat of the summer season and warm during winter. We also got to know about their unique bio-gas plant and its function and usage in daily life . As we moved further, we were delighted to see different types of rodents and birds.
The most important part of our visit was cleaning the campus of Vivekanand Needam . Our service truly promoted the idea of 'Swach Bharat'. It was a great learning and fulfilling experience for all of us, and, we felt, a fitting way to observe the anniversary of our beloved Rajmata.

OCT 11
Meeting with H.M's
OCT 09
Twenty nine students of History and Sociology went on a heritage walk to Tansen's Tomb, Mohammad Gaus' Tomb and Gujri Mahal. (date needs to be mentioned).
Tansen's tomb is an ornate 15thcentuary (I think this should be 16th century, but please check) mausoleum with hexagonal towers, near the tomb of Sufi saint Mohammad Gaus. The mausoleum is endowed with intricate trellis work and is well maintained. Mohammad Gaus came to Gwalior in 1545; on his arrival people from far and wide went to him seeking solutions to their problems. So when Tansen's parents came to know about him, they, too, went to the saint asking for blessings on their child, who later grew to be the most renowned musician at the court of the Emperor Akbar.
The students also came to know the story behind the Gujri Mahal. It went like this: when Raja Maan Singh Tomar went to a village to hunt, he beheld a lady and fell madly in love with her. He wanted to marry her, but she put forth three conditions: one, she wanted him to provide her with the same environment as her village; two, the water in her new home should come from her own village; three, she would not adhere to the practice of being behind parda. These were the three reasons why the Gujri Mahal was built. (why needs to be mentioned)
Our excursion was also covered by the media. We had a question and answer session with the journalists of various newspapers like DANIK BHASKAR, NAI JEEVAN and PATRIKA. Students learned about the art and architecture of the buildings and also saw the 1st, 2nd and 5th century sculptures on display. The visit helped the students with their research project, providing them with good exposure to India's rich heritage, while providing them with some career choices they could consider after school.
OCT 09
Field Visit - Class–IX
Incharge- Ms Lakhwinder
OCT 09
On 9th October, 2018, students of class VIII visited a light-weight mineral-based industry – Surya Roshni Ltd., Malanpur.
Surya Roshni Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of light bulbs, among other home appliances. They use sand and aluminum as raw materials. Sand is melted in the big furnace (which is also Asia's biggest furnace) and glass is then moulded into different shapes. With the help of aluminium, bulb caps are made. It is then passed through various stages to make the final product- bulbs and tube lights.
The students also got a chance to see the LED section where assembling of LED bulbs was going on. All the raw material used in this section is imported from China.
The students asked many questions about the raw materials that were being used, the chemicals used in the Industry, the manner of transportation, the total production involving the import of raw materials and, finally, the export of the finished product.
It was an enriching experience, which has helped our students to think, reflect on what they have seen and effectively retain the knowledge they have gained. Their vocabulary was also enriched as they learnt some new terminology.
The students were escorted by Ms.Meenakshi Dixit, Ms N.Chaturvedi, Ms S.Sahay, Ms.K.Pillai, Ms.S.Bose and Mr.B.Rao.

OCT 06
Presentation by X seed teachers to the Principal
OCT 05
Health & Hygiene Checkup III (Classes VI-XII) ends
OCT 05
11 girls from SKV Participated in the CBSE Volleyball Cluster Tournament for Girls U-19, held at Raghuwansh Public School Sendhwa (MP) from 03rd to 05th October 2018. They were escorted by Ms. Anita Kashyap as a Team Manager and Mr. Dhananjay Singh as a Team Coach. Our school team reached in the final and defeated DPS, Indore and bagged the First Position in U-19 category. The SKV team was declared as the Winner of the under -19 team & won the Trophy.
Revika Rai and Lhkmith Sharpa of class X received the Award for "The Best Player" and Saraswati Gurung of class X received the Award for "The Best Defender".
The whole Volleyball team of SKV got selected for CBSE Nationals.
Name of participants are as follows.
Lhakmith Sherpa , Saraswati Gurung , Revika Rai , Bimala Subba , Renuka Sharma , Ritobina Dey , Rinchen Ongmu Bhutia , Riddhi Agrawal , Jhanvi Saraswat , Yashika Patni , Esha Mishra.
OCT 03
"Go fly, travel, voyage, dare, and discover."
And the trip to Canada was one such trip, a priceless memory in our travel diary.
3rd October, 2018 marks the date of a beautiful journey as 25 students accompanied by Principal Ma'am, Garima di and Radha di departed towards the first destination, Toronto. A road trip with an endless bus journey and countless hotels to stop at. We went to various cities namely Banff, Vancouver, Alberta, Whistler, and many more.
Our first visit was to the famous Niagara Falls, rainbow spawned over high rising water. Niagara Falls is the collective name for three waterfalls that straddle the international border between the Canadian province of Ontario and the American state of New York. These iconic and monumental waterfalls are a famous tourist spot. The visit to Niagara Falls was followed by a stop at the local market where the girls spent time looking for immemorial souvenirs like maple syrup. Later in the day, we also visited the CN tower. The CN Tower is a 553.3 m-high concrete communications and observation tower located in Downtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It provides an impeccable view of the city.
We travelled through Vancouver in the British Columbia, to Whistler which is a town north of Vancouver. Whistler offers skiing and snowboarding in one of the largest ski resorts and a home to the 2018 Winter Olympics. In Whistler, we enjoyed The Peak 2 Peak Gondola which is a tri-cable gondola lift that links Whistler Mountain's Roundhouse Lodge with Blackcomb Mountain's Rendezvous Lodge. It is the first lift to join the two side-by-side Mountains.
Later we reached Jasper as we travelled through Kamloops. Jasper, an alpine town in Canada's Alberta province, is the commercial centre of Jasper National Park. Amid the snow-capped Canadian Rockies, the park has glacier-fed lakes, forests and rivers. We visited the Jasper National Park where we saw the native wildlife including elk, moose, bighorn sheep and bears.
Jasper led us to Banff. Banff is a resort town in the province of Alberta, located within Banff National Park. The peaks of Mt. Rundle and Mt. Cascade, part of the Rocky Mountains, dominate its skyline. On Banff Avenue, the main thoroughfare, boutiques and restaurants mix with hotels and souvenir shops. We visited the Banff National Park which is Rocky Mountain park offering year-round activities & glacial lakes such as Lake Louise. We had the opportunity to ride on the Banff Gondola which is a scenic cableway ride to viewing decks & hiking trails at the summit of Sulphur Mountain. We saw the famous Lake Louise which is known for its turquoise waters. This glacier-fed lake is a celebrated area for outdoor recreation and we picnicked around, munching on sandwiches as we enjoyed the view.
We travelled back to Vancouver after stopping for a while at Calgary and visited the famous Stanley Park before leaving for the Airport in Vancouver. Stanley Park is a renowned national park in Canada which is famous for its historical significance.

OCT 03
On 1st October, 2018, students from classes 8 to 12 participated in the inter-house Hindi dramatics competition. On the 1st, two houses viz. Madhavi House and Usha House showcased their talents. The judges for the competition were Mr.Bhujing, Miss Vinita and Miss Gul. The topic of the competition was 'PAURANIK KATHA'. Each house got 15 minutes to present their play including setting up the stage.
Madhavi House presented 'Krishna Ka Tuladan', which showcased the moral money is not everything, but the virtues of affection and love really matter.
Usha house presented 'Krishna –Sudhama Mitreta.' This was a story of true friendship.
On 3rd October 2018, the second day of the competition began. Vasundhara House and Yashodhara House featured their plays.
Yashodhara house presented the ancient tale of 'Ahilya Devi.' The story revolves around a young and beautiful princess named Ahilya, who was cursed by Gautam Rishi, who transformed her into a rock. This curse was broken when Lord Ram touches her. The play effectively conveyed the idea of how love and sacrifice go together.
Vasundhara House presented the story of 'Savitri and Satyavan'. This was a wonderful re-telling of the old legend of Savitri, a beautiful princess, who falls in love and marries a poor man named Satyavan, who subsequently dies. The story depicts the fortitude and intelligence of a woman, as Savitri bravely confronts death to bring her husband back to life. She impresses and outwits the terrifying Yamraj, ultimately rescuing her husband from the realms of death with her arguments and quick thinking..
The results were as follows:
House positions- 1. Vasundhara house – 1st, 2.Usha house – 2nd, 3. Madhavi house – 3rd
Individual positions- 1. Anshika Jaiswal [ Savatri] -Vasundhara, 2. Sneha jain [ Sudhama] - Usha, 3. Adrika Agrawal [ Yamaraj]- Vasundhara
OCT 02
Gandhi Jayanti
OCT 01
Inter-House Oil Painting (Srs)
In charge- Mr. A.Sharma
OCT 01
Inter-House Hindi Dramatics(Usha and Madhavi House)
Incharges- Ms. V. Shrivastava, Ms. A. Sharma & Ms. A. Kashyap