Do the best girls boarding schools in India offer holistic development?

Education is the right of every girl child and allows them to bloom into goal-oriented and learned individuals who have the potential to become world leaders. Parents may encounter a pool of boarding schools for children when seeking options to admit their girl child. Sieving through the list and finding excellent schools that align with your ward’s academic needs is necessary. The best girls boarding schools in India offer a progressive, modern and moral environment to boost the holistic development of your child. Let us explore how boarding schools help your girl child’s overall growth.

What is meant by residential schools?

A boarding or residential school is an educational institution where students study and stay on campus to receive academic, extracurricular and moral learning. Schooling and accommodation facilities foster a stimulating environment for children’s holistic growth and development. Day schools educate children where a few classes are scheduled for the day, and then the students can leave for their homes. While in residential schools, classes are held at different times of the day according to a fixed timetable, and students return to their homes only on weekends or vacations.

Boarding schools have wardens to look after the children, and meals are given at scheduled durations. They can be all boys and all girls or co-ed with different dormitories for boys and girls. Residential schools can be private or government-affiliated to various boards such as CBSE, IB, and IGCSE to offer top-quality education to their students. All amenities for extracurricular activities, recreation, and emergency medical rooms are on campus to support the child.

Are boarding schools better for children’s development?

Parents and students may often get confused about day school vs boarding schools. It is a big thing for parents to send their children off to boarding schools away from their homes for days or even months. But it is necessary to make the hard decision for the betterment of your child’s future. 

  • While day schools can only provide children with limited academic and moral support, boarding schools extend a deeper connection to the child’s holistic growth.

  • Academic boarding schools allow international students to join in and live in cooperation with local students. Private day schools are less likely to witness international admissions. It helps students to adapt to the cultural diversity.

  • Since school hours in day schools are limited, it becomes challenging for educational institutions to incorporate and balance academics and extracurricular activities daily. At the same time, the top boarding schools in India have a well-scheduled day that strikes a balance between academics and recreational activities.

  • Students in day school spend relatively less time studying due to exposure to distractions such as smart devices and other gadgets. Students at residential schools are kept away from any such distractions and are allotted a time when they can access their smart devices.

Benefits of a
residential school for Girls

The best girls boarding schools in India foster an academically stimulating and culturally nourishing environment for their students. A few benefits of female boarding schools are-

  1. Empowers girlsPrivate boarding schools help raise a girl child in a disciplined, sound, stimulating and nurturing environment. Girls are given the platform to make their own decisions, become the dictators of their lives, and work to mould themselves and their futures how they want. All girls build their lifestyles, tackle challenges, learn new things and develop their identity. It helps in transforming them into responsible and independent individuals.

  2. Greater opportunities– The best female boarding schools help in fostering gender equality and breaking gender biases. Girls are encouraged to pursue their dreams of going abroad for higher education by giving them better opportunities. They are given every right to choose their career and work hard to build it. On-campus libraries, study rooms, sound environment, peer and mentor support, and counsellors help guide students towards their goals.

  3. Extracurricular exposure– At boarding schools, girls are offered diverse platforms to explore their potential and talents to work on them and strengthen their faculties in any field. Through cultural exchange programmes, students can go abroad and gain international exposure. Sports, indoor games, theatre, music, and dance are a few areas of interest where students can choose to excel.

  4. Interpersonal growthResidential schools are commonly held as the foundation for the overall development of children to build them into leaders of a better tomorrow. While staying on campus, girls learn to refine their communication skills, body language, and people skills by constantly interacting with peers, mentors, and staff. It helps prepare girls to act more professionally and mannerly and project themselves as learned and independent.

Role of boarding schools in the holistic development of Girls

  1. Mental growth– Through their curriculum, teaching methodology, and extracurricular activities offered by the best girls boarding schools in India, girls are always exposed to a mentally stimulating environment. It boosts their cognitive skills. Staying at boarding schools, girls often encounter difficult situations that allow them to brainstorm and develop their critical thinking. Problem-solving skills are polished and creative thinking is nurtured as students go through a wave of emotions, challenges, activities and difficulties throughout their academic year.

  2. Physical growthBoarding schools are dedicated to encouraging every girl to participate in sports and other physical activities. Annual events, sports days, and inter-house and inter-college competitions are various ways through which girls are given the platform to become strong and agile physically.

  3. Social growth– At residential schools, students are surrounded by peers, mentors, and staff and learn to grow in a socially nurtured environment. People from different backgrounds and cultural diversity stay together in boarding schools. Students learn more about diversity and develop a sense of tolerance and warmth towards every culture. The cultural exchange programmes also help in exposing students to new worlds.

  4. Academic growth– Residential schools are equipped with well-experienced and skilled mentors that analyse the primary learning styles of students to frame their teaching methodology. A sound and mentally stimulating learning environment offers freshness and calmness to students so that they remain goal-oriented and do not get distracted. Boarding schools have upgraded themselves with advanced technologies to provide better resource pools to students.

Is boarding school safe for girls?

The best residential boarding schools in India offer the utmost security to girls regarding ensuring their safety on campus premises. 

  • Boarding schools have strict anti-bullying and anti-ragging policies to ensure no mishappenings occur. They even have complaint cells so that any such unethical activities are immediately reported to the authorities, and strict actions are taken on any complaints.

  • With technological advancements, camera surveillance and security guards are extended throughout the campus to monitor and contain any unethical movement.

  • Guidelines and protocols are implemented and supervised to ensure all students on campus adhere to them to maintain the discipline of the institution.

How does SKV qualify among the
best girls boarding schools in India?

Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya is among the top boarding schools in India dedicated to structuring the academic and holistic development of girls. We offer girls the best schools to provide a secure and disciplined environment where they can study, explore, experiment, learn and grow into independent, goal-oriented individuals. Our infrastructure is built to accommodate every need and amenities to provide a wholesome environment. We are among the CBSE-affiliated schools offering girls’ education from class VI onwards. Our well-structured curriculum inculcates the current academic needs of girls along with the standard curriculum to prepare them for higher learning in international colleges.

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