Importance of Yoga in a Student’s Life

Top boarding schools in India prioritise the importance of yoga in a student’s life and integrate yoga education into the curriculum to ensure the holistic development of students. Yoga teaches students to stay disciplined and more awake about their mental and physical health. In the modern era, students are absorbed in a hectic timetable that spares very little time for focusing on their mental and physical health. Yoga education not only encapsulates these aspects of life but also improves memory retention in students. Students who practise yoga regularly are more likely to stay away from academic stress, understand concepts with more concentration, and retain them for longer. Let us learn more about the importance of yoga in a student’s life and how yoga instructors can teach yoga to students.

What do you mean by yoga? 

Yoga is an ancient Hindu discipline rooted in ancient Indian philosophy. A group of activities concerning the mental, physical and spiritual disciplines are compiled to establish harmony between the body and mind. The word ‘Yoga’ is derived from the Sanskrit root word “yuj”, which translates as “to yoke” or “to join”. This unison between the body, breath and mind is established using various postures, breathing exercises, and meditation. It helps promote healthy living by fostering mental, spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being. 

Boarding schools in India understand the importance of yoga in a student’s life and teach it as a part of their curriculum. Since ancient times, people have been practising yoga to improve their concentration and help in relaxation. Teachers and students have passed on the tradition of yoga as a discipline of body and mind for generations. 

Modern residential schools are integrating yoga into their curriculum to allow students to work on their physical and mental health and refresh their minds for academic learning. CBSE-affiliated schools have made it compulsory for students to attend yoga classes. The role of yoga in student life is vital for the holistic development of students.

What is the  importance of yoga in a student’s life?

The aim of yoga education is to prioritize humans’ physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Residential schools in India are driven towards inculcating yoga education in schools to promote the holistic development of students from a very early age. Let us delve into detail about the primary aims of yoga education.

  1. Physical HealthYoga postures, also known as asanas, involve balance and coordination, as these poses are designed to improve body flexibility and strength. Many of these positions improve the body’s stability and enhance neuromuscular coordination. Students become physically fit and flexible.

  2. Mental well-beingYoga in boarding schools assists students in practising mindfulness and concentration, which helps them feel refreshed and focus on their studies. Schools encourage students to meditate, which helps maintain a sound mind. Yoga education helps students become self-aware and regulate their thoughts.

  3. Spiritual development– For some people, yoga education is a spiritual practice as it encourages self-exploration and self-discovery. It leads students beyond the sense of religious beliefs and assists the holistic development of the soul. Chanting several mantras and omitting an “om” sound gives a sense of spiritual upliftment.

  4. Lifestyle and Ethics– When students indulge in yoga education, they are made self-aware of their body and encouraged to follow a healthy lifestyle and live a life of value and ethics. Mindful eating, proper rest, and exercises help contribute to students’ overall well-being.

How do you teach yoga to students?

Students in private boarding schools are encouraged to participate actively in yoga classes. Teachers who teach yoga must have adequate knowledge and experience in teaching yoga and effective communication skills to convey the essence and importance of yoga to students. Let us learn more about the steps and principles that yoga instructors often follow to teach yoga to students-

  1. Thoroughly trained– Before becoming a yoga instructor, an individual must be trained entirely in yoga education, must have a degree in it and must be required to know various aspects of yoga, including asanas, pranayama (breath control), philosophy, and teaching methodology. When a yoga instructor is wholly trained and aware of every aspect of yoga, they can draft better teaching methodology for students.

  2. Assessment of student needs Indian boarding schools focus on students’ extracurricular and educational growth. Assessing the students’ needs varies between fitness, health considerations, and mindfulness is essential. By analysing students’ yoga experience and limitations, yoga educators can tailor yoga practises to suit individual needs.

  3. Instruct students about the basics– Instead of directly teaching students about the different postures and pranayama, it is essential to educate students about the importance of yoga and its facets. Instructors must create a positive environment that encourages interaction and resolves queries that arise during discussions on yoga.

  4. Explaining with demonstrations– Instructors must demonstrate all yoga postures and techniques for students to follow. It is essential to ask students to focus on body alignment to prevent muscle spasms. By explaining each posture’s purpose and benefits, students can use yoga at home or even teach their parents about the same.

  5. Correct student posturesYoga teachers must carefully analyse every child while doing yoga postures to correct them if necessary. Clear and concise offer clear and concise verbal instructions must be offered to explain yoga better to students.

  6. Mindful breathing exercises– Along with yoga postures, it is also essential to educate students about the importance of breath awareness and how it can help students focus better on their studies. Yoga instructors must teach students to synchronise their breath with movement and establish control over their breathing.

Benefits of yoga for students

There are several advantages of yoga for students. Let us learn more about how yoga helps students in learning.

  1. Enhances self-esteem– Yoga allows students to become aware of their physical health and become self-aware of their body fitness. It encourages students to build a positive relationship with their bodies and teaches them to develop a sense of self-acceptance and appreciation for themselves. Learning and progressing in yoga postures helps build self-confidence and a positive self-image.

  2. Promotes healthy habits– Breathing exercises teach students about the principles of mindfulness. Knowing body and mind does not limit the students to mental health but also extends to promoting healthy eating. Regular yoga practice is associated with improved sleep quality and healthy eating at regular intervals.

  3. Social developmentStudents in Indian boarding schools are encouraged to participate in group yoga classes. Students are divided into groups where they learn from each other. It also allows students to connect with peers that support social development. Students learn to work in groups, sometimes even lead the group and foster healthy discussions about personal health habits.

  4. Builds resilience to stress– The power of yoga is such that it helps train students’ minds and prepare them to stay calm during stressful situations. Practicing yoga and breathing exercises helps students manage exam stress by looking for better learning solutions from technology in classrooms.

  5. Developing life skillsRegular yoga classes cultivate discipline and a sense of consistency in students. These are essential life skills that can be applied in various areas. Self-awareness helps students identify their primary learning style and get help from school counselors for career planning.

The importance of yoga in a student’s life is to promote a healthy way of living and encourage students to avoid academic stress.

SKV is an all-girls boarding school in India affiliated with the CBSE board that promotes holistic learning for students to transform them into global leaders.

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