Exploring the Use of Technology in Student Life

Technology in student life is a primary tool contributing to personalised learning and formulating effective strategies for better retention. Using collaborative tools offered by technology, students can study using video lectures by mentors, animated videos, presentations and live lectures. These graphic and detailed learning methods on various digital platforms help students build a better foundation for complex concepts and thoroughly understand every topic. By making notes from a vast pool of study material, students can learn more simply. Let us learn more about the use of technology in student life. 

Traditional methods of learning 

Beginning in the Vedic age, Gurus were considered a traditional method of learning where students used to live with their gurus, receive education, and learn other life skills. In later years, schools followed the same traditional methods of teaching using lecture-based learning. Boarding schools allowed students to reside within the campus premises and work on their holistic development. Students solely depended on their classes as teachers, and books were their only source of information. As a teacher-centric learning method, students rely on their teachers to solve any queries during lectures or homework. 

Schools were affiliated with various boards, including CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE, and IB, to determine a fixed curriculum for students which focused on academic and holistic growth. Classrooms were built with standard tables, chairs, lights, fans, chalks and dusters. Rules and regulations were enforced very early to exercise strict control over students. The classes followed a fixed schedule, after which students left for their homes in case of day schools and dormitories in case of residential schools. 

Repetition and memorisation of concepts and chapters helped students better understand and retain information. The traditional learning methods enhanced students’ primary learning styles, which were divided into four categories: visual, aural, kinesthetic, and reading. The introduction of technology in classrooms turned the learning scenario upside down.

Importance of technology in learning

Technological revolutions have led to the transformation of various industries, including the education industry. With the changing times, educational institutions have adopted technology to benefit students and facilitate their learning process. Classrooms have integrated various technological tools to aid students. Edtech has led to the innovation of various educational apps that also help students in remote learning.

  1. For teachers– It helps teachers build better learning approaches and develop their teaching methodologies. With changes in the education system and curriculum, even teachers need to study and learn additionally to offer students the best learning methods and better learning resources. Teachers often analyse student behaviour and examine their learning styles to make more effective strategies to teach students. Technology is vital in helping teachers get instant solutions, research new methods, save time, and offer access to large pools of information. It also allows teachers to develop creative methods of teaching and learning.

  2. For students– Students greatly benefit from technology as it helps ease their learning process. Students face various challenges while learning, memorising, retaining information, and doing homework. Making effective notes does not alone suffice for the retention of information. Queries arose while self-studies broke the learning flow as students could not clear their doubts instantly and had to wait to return to school. Students could only study the courses prescribed in their syllabus and had to spend on books. With advancements in technology, students have access to an unlimited pool of educational resources and study material to leverage their learning process and allow them to achieve better results. 

Benefits of technology for students

Edtech, or education technology, is benefiting students in several ways. Let us learn more about the advantages of technology for students.

  1. Flexibility in learning– In earlier days, students had to walk to their schools and get coaching to get an education, which was both time-consuming and also made students tired. Technology allows remote learning where students can opt for long-distance education and attend all lectures, live or recorded, in the comfort of their homes.

  2. Studying at your own pace– Studying in classrooms means covering all subjects, concepts, and topics as and when taught in the schools. Few students struggled to keep pace with the teachers and found studying challenging. Technology allows students to learn independently using recorded lectures, supplementary PDFs, and presentations.

  3. Preparing for further studies– Students in modern society are career-oriented and seek help from school counsellors in career planning from a very young age. Technology allows students to focus on their career path besides their school-based learning by actively studying for their career based on a set schedule and opening a large pool of resources, mentors, workshops and internships that can help students.

  4. Cost-effective– Buying books, guides and other study materials is quite expensive for students, who face challenges managing their budget. On the other hand, using educational apps and online videos related to the course can help offer a more cost-effective learning method than purchasing study material.

  5. Education based on learning style– Students have varied primary learning styles. While some find it easier to study using visual aids, others need to speak and study. Technology has built tools to cater to the educational needs of every student individually. Learning by using educational videos, making online notes, listening to audiobooks, and attending live lectures are a few ways students learn using technology.

What is the use of technology in student life?

Education, teaching, and learning are all equally impacted by technology in education. Students and teachers are actively adopting various technologies to find solutions to various educational challenges.

  1. Smart classes– Classrooms are becoming technologically equipped with smart boards and projectors different from traditional chalk and duster. Teachers can teach students using videos, PowerPoint, flowcharts, and graphs on the smart board, also known as interactive whiteboards. It also assists in live-streaming video lectures in a large classroom. Teachers can access a variety of educational resources and files to assist learning. It helps students understand and learn concepts and topics in detail through visual aids. Students also retain information in a better way using their eidetic memory.

  2. Gamification– Learning for long hours can indeed be pretty boring. Technology has a solution for learners. Gamification apps help students by combining their studies with interactive and entertaining technology so that they can learn new concepts in a fun way without getting bored. For example, Duolingo is being used by students to learn different languages and offers an interactive and engaging interface where students can collect badges, unlock new levels, and learn on their own. It allows students to learn in an interactive environment without letting boredom get the better.

  3. E-Library– Instead of going to school libraries where the resources and timings are still limited, schools provide access to e-libraries. It helps open a large pool of resources for students to access study materials at any time. Schools offer access to e-libraries where students can find books related to their academic learning and study materials related to their career goals.

  4. Educational videos– YouTube, social media videos, and other apps help students with various study material that explains the same concept or topic in different ways. Students understand better through videos, as different varieties vary from video lectures to animated videos and presentations that give detailed views of complex chapters and topics. Other online philosophical videos teach students the importance of holistic development and how to achieve it. Video-based learning is by far the best means of technological learning for students.

  5. Social media– Since students spend a significant amount of their spare time on social media, mentors and instructors have started posting short educational videos on their websites to allow students to learn and share them with friends. There are various educational groups on social media where students can get added to engage in a healthy discussion about new topics and concepts concerning academics and world issues. It helps enhance their learning and makes productive use of their time.

Tips for effective online learning 

With the help of technology in student life, digital learning allows students to personalise their studies by providing more accessible resources and information.

  • Students must engage in active learning instead of passively watching videos without making notes.

  • Avoid distractions by muting any notifications and calls while studying using smart devices.

  • Take proper breaks and indulge in spaced learning or other effective study techniques to increase learning results.

  • Time management for studies is essential. Students must follow a set routine to prepare for their exams using the varied study material available on the internet.

  • By conducting thorough research, utilise the benefits of educational videos and other available resources.

Technology in student life helps them in detailed learning and improving retention of all memorised information to get better results and follow their career paths.

SKV is a female boarding school in India that offers progressive education infused with traditional learning to students above class VI.

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